There are those that know magic exists, but don’t know how or why it does, and those that do magic every day, but aren’t even aware they’re doing it. You could get stuck in a dichotomy between the two camps, unable to become an actual Beer Mystic no matter how much you guzzle between the lines, if you don’t actually submerge yourself in the text beneath the head. Sorry to hype the almighty type here, but to dylanize the cannibal, the changes they are about timing, and no matter what dangerfield you’ve followed down the road of self destruction in the past, you probably haven’t consumed anything with as much hidden gusto or as little secret kickback behind it as Bart Plantenga’s still unpublished ineberotic end of the century confessions of urban transcendence since the first day you stubbed your reality on A Yaqui Way of Knowledge.
Though all similarities between Furman Pivo and Carlos Castaneda’s journeys end with the discovery you’ve been transported to the next level of mutant cognition by Pivo’s ballsy, yet elegant, street-wise hops, if you’re stoked to the gills when that realization hits home, it won’t help you hold on to what’s right in front of your nose without drinking liberally from the language on a regular basis. Before you dive in, however, remember, there’s a fine line between drinking liberally and drinking gluttonously, even from the words, and that’s the reason that the brew that fills the Holy Grail has always been hidden right out in the open, in the tap on the bar in front of you.
Aye, let there be witnesses to the rise & fall of human dignity crawling around on the floor and puking its depraved guts out on our very feet. If you have to ask what’s on the menu, we can’t serve you. If multiple epiphanies were that easy to have, any drooler could drown in them, just like anybody can get drunk and make an asshole out of themselves. Beer Mystics, however, are a different breed of cat.
Sons & Daughters of the spiral of high wisdom found in lowlife dives, Beer Mystics have the power within themselves to illuminate blackouts without reverting to neon proselytizing. There ain’t no glitz on a Beer Mystic. A Beer Mystic doesn’t have to prove they can drink the whole fucking keg in one sitting. In other words, when the warm secure glow of realization begins spiraling in the belly, a Beer Mystic recognizes the knowledge being handed to them for what it is, and nurses the symbolic fruition into their own experience of reality.
In the same way a keg should not be devoured in one sitting, this book, if you can find it, should not be devoured in one sitting either. It should be nurtured through the great spiral, one word, one sentence, one epiphany, one chapter at a time. It could take you one brew a chapter to get through, it could take two, it’s as impossible to guess anyone’s number as it is to label the brand they crave to reach the understanding of their own understanding, but there’s no doubt, when they get there, when you get there, when I get there, we all know we’re there. And no one can tell us any different.
The sign of a true Beer Mystic, of course, is the ability to hold on to the spiral within themselves once they reach it. Most aspirants feel so good once they reach the Holy Plateau they have the overwhelming urge to feel better, and before they know it, the state of their consciousness is unconscious. Even the memory of the moment has gone back to the ether, and will only come out the next time — if there is a next time — they reach the peak of understanding the condition their condition is in. More self-developed than naturally gifted in the psychic arts & crafts, Beer Mystics, are always in-process, so always aware of how fleeting the spiral’s illumination may be. Like a zen archer, this awareness allows them to recognize the spiral and hold on to the illumination, long after the moment of cognition has passed. Obviously, Beer Mystics are a different breed of cat.
- Mike Golden / Rudy’s Bar & Grill - Hell’s Kitchen, NYC - 7/31/99
My Elsa detours came mostly courtesy of the Cosmological Messenger Service. Periodically a delivery would send me out of Manhattan to Downtown Brooklyn, delivering affidavits to the Kings County Courthouse. And from there I’d call Elsa and wander off the Cosmo time-location grid.
Since I was their “best” CMS messenger my trips were never monitored. I was forgotten, left to my own devices – a small perk. When I finally did go back on time I’d call Lee, “I hadda ‘delivery’ for Elsa.”
“So you delivered and now you’re hangin’?”
“Yea, typical rear entrance delivery. I knocked and knocked until she let me in…” This kind of report always cracked Lee to pieces. Lee Morgan was my boss, my dispatcher, a dapper black guy with clean shine head, crisp wing shirt collars, ironed shirts, Italian brown leather boots, and who by fate [of his name] was a jazz aficionado. And since we both dug deep and philosophical into reverie for jazz, beer, and the female form, he cut me great hours of infinite slack. I was sanity to him, and he to me.
I was one of the only white guys under 60 on the squad and this made me nobility, “Messenger of the Month” three times [three raises of 50 cents each that Lee saw to], and thus perhaps the city’s highest-paid foot messenger at $6.89 per hour [mid-1980s]. But as any receptionist could point out, the highest paid messenger was still a very low form of life, a form worthy of despising by all receptionists, secretaries, janitors and the like.
I had become somewhat legendary because of the tales of adventure I told the other laggards waiting for the next envelope, the next call: “One cold slushy day, with an urgent delivery of a sealed affidavit from a warm office east to a warm office west, I was crossing around Rocky Center when this BMW ripped into the crosswalk – VRRRROOOM. Some of the pedestrians scattered. I froze, as any martyr would, and forced the driver-perp to test his magnificent anti-lock brakes. And they worked magnificently! In-fuckin’-deed! And I banged my fist on the hood of his BMW. And hard like a drum solo. I was mad and the was my war drums, you bet.”
“You wacked, man.” Said one of the slender after-school black teens, the kind you knew would love to buy back his innocence if it came in the right package and I would buy it for him, this innocence, if I could just put a quarter in a machine and hand it back to him. That kind. The kind with the shine in their face rubbed off with steel wool.
“No, I’d had enough of way too much of this shit and when you got just the right amount of enough it gives you strength… And so, there I am drummin’ like that bugged-eyed drummer in Taxi Driver, the guy plays percussion in the subway on the walls, everywhere, his world is a drum…”
“The guy’s got a name yuh know? Gene Palma. He’s fuckin’ great.” Mumbled Lou H., artist in ragged third-hand up-turned-collar trenchcoat. “While he’s drummin’ he yells out the names of the drummers whose style he’s imitating. “Chick Webb, the great Shelley Manne, Gene KRU-PA.”
“Shoe polish hair.”
Anyway, the driver scumbag leaps outta his cockpit – no fan of percussion – yanks out a fuckin’ mammoth pistol, a shiny, sexy fuckin’ thing, aims it at my face, pulls the trigger and says; ‘I wish this fuckin’ thing was loaded so I could blow you away, punk scum.’ I didn’t wanna bicker about what was punk and not. I wasn’t punk but I ain’t new wave neither. I was mesmerized like I’d just seen a censored Tina Turner video but finally I says: ‘Yuh know, you’d prolly rather fuck wid yer car than wash yer fuckin’ wife!’ Totally fuckin’ up the line by Godard: ‘You’d rather wash yer car than fuck yer wife.’”
“Whose this fuckin’ Go-dart?”
“Go Cart!”
“French filmmaker…I used to go out with a chick looked like his main squeeze, actress Anna Karenina.”
“Yea, so what.”
“So WHAT?!” She was fuckin’ hot, like Chrissy Hynde squared.”
“I know me a French kiss and a croy-sant and yuh got French wine and French onion soup, but I don’t know me no Go-Dart.” I look at the scoffed walls in Cosmo HQ, 4th floor, 5th Avenue near the Empire State Building, our room like a holding pen with the stink of 50 years of unrequited labor and discarded financial files, boxes of molding subway vouchers, a framed photo of Reagan, the World Trade Center lit up at night, a poster of Brooke Shields in sexy lingerie, grafitti in other alphabets scratched into the piss yellow-green walls.
“Well anyway, but there he was like totally confused and so maybe it was better the way it came out like that – no bullets and him like won-der-in’. Man, where I come from the only fuckin’ things that gets blown away are dead leaves.”
“You from the Dead Zone…”
“You got it. I still got his plate number: LUG332 carved into my forehead. And whenever I look up retribution or vengeance in my mind’s sloppy card files, on that card marked ‘retrib-veng’ is a crude portrait of the perp with his license plate number, LUG332. And I had to fuckin’ wonder how he spoke to his kids, what kind of nice ass things he was capable of for his secretary, what he bought his wife for fuckin’ Xmas.”
They all loved these stories. Or at least it was better than nothing. They wanted to hear them over and over. Or maybe I was too crazy to say “no” to. Like when I leaned nails [yes, I used to carry a handful just in case] against all four tires – front and back – of this one malicious driver’s Audi as he dashed to the cash machine, car idling in traffic. “He gets in, puts her in drive and POW! POW! POW! POW! Four flats right there at Sheridan Square.”
“Righteous!” the Rasta proclaimed. He with huge dread snakes wrapped inside a knit cap, always slouched on his discolored plastic chair, thumbs hooked into the crotch of his Army pants.
“But that ain’t the end of the other story [It had been the end of it the previous 10 times I told it.] I mean, some Dawn of the Dead geeks rubbernecking, salivating, go and pay me the ultimate insult: ‘He ain’t worth the fuckin’ lead,’ they yell and yell. I kid you not! I’m thinkin’ they don’t even know me but then I realize that they’re just hungry for somethin’ to happen like fast forward, like so they have something they can go home and tell friends – ‘I saw dis guy blown away today. Lost his whole fuckin’ face like tearin’ the toppings offa pizza…’” My audience of lanky teens whooped it up with raised fists while the bodies of the old pensioner men bent in half shook painful wheezing laughs loose from their bodies during the tense near-scenes of violence.
The lanky teens pat me on the back mumble “Crazy-ass muthahfuckah!” as they leave with packages sending them out into New York’s grid where they’ll disappear to become eternal no ones.
“Yea, crazy like a fox. You gotta out crazy the crazy city to win.” They nod. Some would never make it back. You ask Lee or administration what happened to Derek Showard or Benny Blanco and they don’t know what to say. Shrug their shoulders. Lee ventures “Maybe Potter’s Field.” Lee can quote the Bible, Gospel of St. Matthew (27:3-8): “they took counsel, and brought with them the potters field to bury strangers in.” He could also quote Eugene Debs, Shaft, and Mingus.
Jerzy [we call him Kafka] with coffee-stained white shirt and a tie that a clown once wore, asks, “Where the fuck is Potter’s Field any-vaz?”
“Hart Island, middle uh Long Island Sound and the Bronx. Prisoners bury the forgotten, the unclaimed, the discarded for 30 cents an hour. People without names, homes, or memories. Sons their own mothers don’t even want to claim.” Lee knows stuff like this.
“My first month in New York I‘m already workin’ here and I see this guy comin’ where’s he gotta be I think I mean is his fuckin’ lunch his fuckin’ slice of pizza gonna get up and walk away or duh wife he’s got tied up. I mean where’s this fuckface gotta be?! He plows right through the crosswalk and I catch the old lady – well, sophisticated and kinda foxy, really, as it happens – before she crashes to the ground. I gotta pound a candy and that’s just her ass. And then as I get up I rap my knuckles against this guy’s rear fender. Not in a discourteous way, mind you, just letting this fucknut know that his fuckin’ hurry was compromising my safety. Never mind almost killing this foxy forty-year-old Cyd Charisse, the ultimate female icon just shorta Sophia Loren.” Over the years, the story would evolve and it would become the real Cyd Charisse, not just some look-alike.
“Sid is a guy or what?”
“No, no, an actress – C-Y-D. He jams on his brakes, the screeching tires sounding like part of a chase scene in a movie I missed. He walks calmly over to me – meanwhile Cyd Charisse is gone without so much as a thank you, although I got her Mozzarella – and this fucknut ‘apologizes’ by hauling a cinderblock-sized fist into my face. His knuckles say like ‘Welcome To New York’ – I’d been here alla two weeks – in blood as I went down and out. My Heineken goes flyin’, lands – PSSSSh! – in the middle of the street. And when I come to, all is peaceful, like I’m not in need of no wisdom – the trees are swirlin’ – and then I’m lookin’ up at this woman’s chin, this doctor’s wife, on her knees, my head on her thighs.”
This really gets them going. “Two weeks later I go visit her at the art gallery she manages in Soho. She shows me the art and then pulls out this bottle of wine and after a glass or two, she’s sucking me off and after that we do it like crazy in the closet. I’m shaking her tits like Quasimodo shaking the bells of Notre Dame. She even makes me stick like part of a broomstick up her asshole while I’m bangin’ her from behind. And when she comes she moans so hard that the people in the office over her gallery are thumpin’ on the floor to shut her up.” The young Turks love this because they can see that this is the oasis in the desert of messengering. The rare moments [once every couple of years is all you can hope for] like having tea with Lauren Hutton. We wonder what it’s like to get blown by a gap-toothed woman. The stories are like the carrot and the stick, so to speak. And like picking up the new “Escapades” 12-inch single at Celluloid and delivering it to Futura 2000 personally. I want to say I was at the Bond’s Clash/Futura show but don’t. Discretion and kudos – you got to balance them…
Most of the other messengers were old hobbling white guys, old knitters, union reps, and seamsters on measly pensions, supplementing their “Social Insecurity,” working minimum wage with their pained limp-n-limbs [hiring some of these guys as messengers was a little like hiring blind proofreaders]. The got bad eyes but no optical on their insurances. So they wear two pairs of reading glasses and prop up the Daily News a couple of feet away on another chair to read it. Their stories were buried deep under their mumbles and painted a picture of New York that made me think it was never a glorious place except if you were Doris Day or Clark Gable or somebody. They were proud defeated men of dying trades in the garment industry with their slouches, their taped-up glasses, and their untucked and stained white shirts. They used words like “haberdashery.” And the young Turks would come back in good fun with “Yabba Dabba Havuh Whut!?”
These young Turks were mostly high-school dropouts – or on the edge of doing so – in full attitudinal garb and gangland gold who thought taking as long as one could to deliver a message meant pride of face. Not all of them, not the ones who were helping supplement mom’s income. Not them. Others were good-natured guys who were just afraid they were already passing on into total insignificance before they turned 20. One lanky smooth-faced black dude, “Nero,” got knifed to death on the job not long ago because the particular configuration of gold around his neck gave him away as a member of a certain gang. And then there was sullen Lou H., artist with a P.O. Box for an address, who always wore this big old bum overcoat over his paint-splattered pants, evidence of his craft and calling, a badge that allowed him to hold onto some distinction that fed crumbs to his pride.
“$5.85 per hour to…”
“$5.87 an hour just to fuck me. Better to make it last, take your time, make a living just fucking. That’s sweet, so sweet to call me and come by. I know how busy you are.” Elsa gushed as she cinched the belt around her silken robe as I called Cosmo. Her toe aimed at my crotch to tickle my scrotum as I dialed the phone.
“Hey, Lee, I’m out at Elsa’s Realignment Services, you got anything comin’ outa Brooklyn?” Elsa’s Carry-On, Elsa’s Oral Gratification Inc., Elsa’s Amour Temps, Elsa’s Lube Jobs… all these cracked Lee up. The dynamic contained in our clandestine and mutually binding contempt for Cosmo and all its clients was where we held court and became transformed as aliens to the mold.
“It’s quarter to five. Go home, young diver. I’ll clock yuh out at 5:15.” The more he beefed up my paychecks the more I believed in the generosity of humankind.
“You can stay here as long into forever as you like.”
“I need a beer.”
“Long as you love my body,” she added as she retreated to the fridge. “Even if you’re just lying. Just make the lies mythic but believable.” She in her best deshabillé, impersonating a Manet, a Monet, a Rubens on Xanax, a reclining nude, big-lidded, inflamed nipples, Vampira by Botero; her kids in their bedroom, supposedly doing their homework or watching TV with the sound up to drown us out. “Long as you service me with a lifetime guarantee.” She handed me the 750 ml bottle of French Country Ale. “Surprised?”
I got up to pee and in her bathroom I gazed at a very jaundiced picture of myself, as if I’d been lacquered or liquored; droplets of urine – PlinkPlink, shake, Plink – as I began to connive a way out – like boff her from behind, no messy in your face scenes and out. Out the bathroom window, where does that lead. I looked again into her mirror and saw the love bites swelling, swelling like fat mum blossoms to nearly twice the size of the ones she’d left the time before.
“I gotta go soon.” I stood naked, hands in front of my crotch.”
“Furman, where do you gotta go?” She only used my name when a forlorn tone was stuck to the lump in her throat.
“I gotta go before I turn into a fuggin’ hickey on legs. It’s like an Electrolux meets Vampira.”
“I take that as a compliment. Electrolux is top of the line and Vampira was skinny as a caterpillar. Great skin.”
Whatever! Besides, I got other worlds to conquer.”
“Butchu already got a world you got conquered, Furman.” And she collapsed back onto her bed to affect her New World, a world as Ponce de Leon might have witnessed it. I tried but did not tell her that to me involvement was tempting misery. Involvement was an investment in time that was baited to be soured.
[Elsa Triolet: “Furman always reminded me of Krazy Kat. I don’t know why. A wayward spirituality? Spry bewilderment? Maybe, it’s the way he was blessed and then suddenly cursed by his intense nearsightedness that he mistook for farsightedness. As if vision haunted him one minute and then tickled him the next. He gave me a set of Joel Peter Witkin postcards, the ones with the extremely bound women that remind you of Rubens and then also, you know those hams wrapped in string. I didn’t get it until way later. The more selfish and hard he tried to be the more tender I found myself treating him. Endearing how he just didn’t fit the anti-hero mold. ‘Ironic Byronic’ to quote from my own songbook. Sure, he struggled with integrity, was introspective, wandering outcast, hates medals and privilege, painful past – who doesn’t!? – but he wasn’t arrogant, hard-boiled or self-centered or particularly sorry for some sexual misdeeds in his past… Anyway, he could basically drown in a six-inch glass of beer – if it was wearing a skirt. Don’t think I didn’t try and don’t think I didn’t save him as soon as I tried.”]
“I got a couple o’ beers left… Come on, it’s nice to have a man around.” She said as she handed me the needle-nose pliers with me scrunched up under her sink. I was her way out of drabness, her bohemia, her man who she could brag about at school, and so this is how I earned my beers.
“The kids adore you.” I hate the word adore. She with her associates degree from a community college in Chicago; she with her ambitions, talking big about what she knew, the kind of psych 101-learning she’d hang out on a clothesline year after year as the full spectacled extent of her knowledge.
“Do you read a lot?” she asked.
“I don’t see the use in it.” I lied. “The more you realize you know, the more you realize you can’t do anything about things remainin’ the same.”
And when she spewed on about Jane Austen or Hemingway or schizophrenia or supply and demand or anything else she’d learned in those 101 college courses I’d get irritated because she had again managed to make me feel sad. You can’t hate someone for trying to keep up with this world. You can’t despise somebody for failing to do so. Her mouth flapping like a marionette’s wooden, hinged clapper.
She had squandered the great poetess inside her and was now regretting that fact. “Reassure me that we’ll find / All the colors of the world beneath our feet.”
“I ordered a new mattress cuz you said the old one made it hard for you to stay over. I got it from DIAL-A-MATTRES, you know, save the last S for – suck…”
“Don’ say it!” This kind of wink-wink saddened me even further – I was slipping away in a nod.
“It’s gettin’ delivered tomorrow morning. I need to take it for a test drive [wink-wink].” You cannot despise people for being earnest and wanting to please even if they fail in their efforts.
“Whazzah maatah honey.” Unzipped my fly as if wanton behavior can cure everything from existential angst, to self-doubt, to gonorrhea. Instead of bickering and negotiating, I just stuck it inside her again and poked her until her sigh went rabid and then collapsed like a warm, greedy sigh around a contented snore. On her side, she really did look like Lydia Lunch or Siouxie Sioux or… sleeping with her clenched fist wrapped around an old hammer handle, vestige gesture from her days in Manhattan when she used to sleep with a hammer in her hand in a basement “apartment” [an old window-less former meat storage place] on a mattress on a floor of cheap fake linoleum to stalk the rats that stalked her in her sleep. She once caught one in her chipped bathtub and “killed it real dead” with that hammer. One of the last singles to receive any reviews in Forced Exposure or Lowest Common Denominator, and/or other zines of a crumpled, illegible, saddle-stitch nature found at See/Hear or Sohozat compared her to Big Stick. This single, “Rat Hammer Lids,” was recorded with ex-members of the Maroons, a sort of imploding gyno-Ramones. Or do I remember seeing it described as the first Goth-speed single with some elements of hypno-thrum and post-Pere Ubu poesie leanings in Trouser Press? She had come to Brooklyn not only to escape her shadow – It mocks me, dear” – but to escape the rats and now she was ready to die just to escape Brooklyn. Or something to that effect. You really had to listen to her line of thinking to even guess where she was at.
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Only you or your partner can decide which mattress is suitable for you; go to a mattress specialist and test all the different kinds they have on offer. There are three main types of sprung mattress: open sprung (the cheapest), which come in a choice of tensions; continuous, more responsive than open-sprung; and pocket, the most expensive, but most comfortable. Above the springs will be a top filling, which might be made of anything from cotton to mohair - and the more filling you have, the more luxurious the overall feel of the mattress.
There are three main types of sprung mattress: open sprung (the cheapest), which come in a choice of tensions; continuous, more responsive than open-sprung; and pocket, the most expensive, but most comfortable. Above the springs will be a top filling, which might be made of anything from cotton to mohair - and the more filling you have, the more luxurious the overall feel of the mattress.
When purchasing a mattress many people forget about the divan or bed frame on which the mattress lies; if this is damaged or sagging then it will alter the comfort level of your new mattress; if you decide to purchase a divan it is worth knowing that there are various on the market.
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The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention reported that a survey of households last year showed that less than a quarter of adults believed smoking caused strokes, heart attacks and lung cancer, and only a quarter believed exposure to smoke caused those illnesses in children. While acknowledging the challenges of enforcing the new ban, anti-smoking advocates in China hailed it as a first step to weaning the nation off tobacco, which health officials say kills more than 1.2 million Chinese a year. China has among the world’s highest smoking rates, with nearly a third of all adults, 300 million people, lighting up. It is the biggest producer and consumer of tobacco products.
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A question many people are searching for answers is: how do you naturally get rid of cellulite? That is a valid question in today’s world of obesity and gargantuan cellulite build up. After all, if there is a way to obtain natural cellulite reduction rather than having to turn to invasive liposuction procedures, who wouldn’t be interested? One of the best natural remedies for cellulite is undoubtedly the cellulite diet. An anti-cellulite diet may not be as easy as applying a cream or paying for a quick session of mesotherapy, but it certainly is an effective way to reduce cellulite in the body. Like with all effective diets, you are going to have to eat plenty of servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. What you want to be eating is fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants — they can be easily identified by having a bright lustrous color. In addition to the produce, be sure to drink plenty of H20 (water), as it will cleanse your body of harmful toxins that can contribute toward cellulite build up. These two steps alone should put you on the right track for reducing cellulite. Junk food should be eliminated from your diet completely, or at least 98% of it should be removed. A single candy bar or snack won’t kill your cellulite removal efforts, but over indulging will and that is a guarantee. You likely already know why junk food is bad; it is called “junk food” after all. But, what you probably didn’t know is that the calories and toxins from all those sugar laden, processed, and unnatural foods are stored in your body’s fat cells. And unlike good fats, like those that come from fatty fish and fish oil, these fats get moved to the front of the line when it comes to cellulite producing. In a way, eating junk food is like building tiny cellulite producing factories in your body. The more “crap” you eat, the more celulite the factories produce — and that means uglier & less healthy looking skin. To get rid of cellulite naturally and destroy these factories once and for all, just stop consuming so much junk food.
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As you well know, it’s not a wise move to spend hundreds of dollars every month searching for the perfect anti cellulite cream or lotion. Doing so not only wastes your money, but it wastes your time as well — time that could be better spent on other methods of cellulite removal. However, when a free trial offer on cellulite cream comes along, that is a completely different story! Bodyshape, by Hydroderm, is being offered on a free trial basis to all individuals whom suffer from nasty, skin damaging cellulite. And, since cellulite affects 9 out of 10 women at one point or another in their life, this is a product that is getting quite a bit of buzz. What does Bodyshape actually do? Well, it’s been said that it will drastically reduce the appearance of cellulite within just 4 short weeks by firming, tightening, and toning the skin. Not only that, but Hydroderm backs their claim with an iron-clad GUARANTEE! What makes Bodyshape different than other creams out there? In short, it’s oh-so powerful ingredients. Unlike other cellulite lotions out there, Bodyshape is made up of natural herbs, botanicals and nutrients that are proven to shrink cellulite-causing fat cells and return skin to it’s smooth and, albeit, pristine condition. Combine those potent ingredients with patented liposome technology, which can carry ingredients through the skin even faster, and you have the makings of an extremely powerful anti-cellulite lotion. Sign-up For The Bodyshape Free Trial Now! To date, more than 250,000 cellulite afflicted people have experienced the power of Bodyshape. Some of these people loved (and continue to love) it so much that they actually sent (and are still sending in) letters detailing their experiences. 3 random letters have been listed below. ——————————————————————————- “This product is fantastic! I started using it a few months ago. I told all of my friends and they love it also. As a full-size model it is important to have smooth thighs, and now I have them. Thank you.â€-Linnet V. Caban** “I want you to know how much I like your BodyShape cellulite lotion. I’ve tried several other products, some expensive ones, and none of them have measured up to Body Shape. I can see a big difference, especially with all the toning. I am a certified personal trainer and have worked out for at least 15 years and have a very low fat diet, but it isn’t enough to keep the cellulite off. BodyShape does the job.â€-Jade Simone** “I began using BodyShape and was astonished with the results. There was a noticeable improvement in my skin’s tone and texture within two weeks, and within eight weeks, the concerns were but a distant memory. BodyShape delivers all it promises and more. Unlike so many other products out there, yours had afforded me the results I was seeking and has provided similar results for those to whom I have recommended your product.â€-K.E. Jones** “I happened to come across an advertisement for your product in a magazine a few months ago. I decided to give it a try, since I had been using a well-known product for the same reason. When I received the product, of course I was skeptical. I never heard of your company, and the product was cheaper than the well-known brands. How could it work as well as the other brands? Well, I tried your product on my thighs. I liked the texture of the lotion. I also liked how it made my skin feels. It was a clean feeling, not a greasy one. It went directly into my skin and not onto my clothes. I noticed it gradually tightened the texture of the skin on my thighs. My skin texture looked firmer. I am very pleased with your product.â€-Mary Ann Proctor**
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The one that works! There are so many natural cellulite cures out there that it’s borderline idiotic to consider expensive medical procedures to get rid of cellulite. However, don’t let the sheer number of natural remedies fool you, they won’t all provide impressive results. Truth be told, some of them might not provide results at all; which is precisely why you need not rely on any one method in particular. Instead, what you need to do is combine a few natural methods into one daily cellulite reduction routine. If you can do that, well, you’re cellulite problem won’t be a problem for long. Combine Some Of The Best Cellulite Treatments Below To Get Ever-Lasting Cellulite Removal: Cellulite Body Wraps: The body, or only part of the body, is covered with a specially made anti cellulite cream. After the cream is thoroughly applied, seaweed or cloth is wrapped around the body and kept in that position for around 40-50 minutes. This is just long enough for the cream’s ingredients to take effect. Once this time has passed, the body or specific region will be unwrapped and gently rinsed off. Once rinsed, a final application of skin nourishing lotion will be applied and massaged into the skin. This particular method can be done at home with the proper supplies or at a spa. Cellulite Diets: Dieting may not be the most liked method of cellulite removal, but it is definitely one of the most effective. By initiating small changes in your regular diet, not only can you remove cellulite, but you can keep it off for good. Basically, all you have to do is reduce your intake of toxins and harmful fats and increase your intake of natural, cellulite fighting foods. This means no more (or not as much) junk food, staurated fats, refined and/or processed foods, soft drinks, etc. and a whole lot more fruits & vegetables, fruit juice, fish, lean meats, legumes, and/or anything else that isn’t unnaturally made in a factory. When it comes to cellulite diets, the best advice any one can give you is to proceed gradually. Anti Cellulite Cream: The use of cellulite cream may not seem like a natural celulite cure, but it most assuredly is — so long as the cream is primary made of natural ingredients. There isn’t much to say about this particular method besides the fact that you need to acquire a cream that actually works and start using it. Admittedly, this is easier said that done, but with a little research and common sense, it won’t be too difficult. TO SKIP THE RESEARCH AND DISCOVER THE BEST ANTI CELLULITE CREAM ON THE MARKET, CLICK HERE! Cellulite Exercise: Virtually any activity that increases circulation, increases blood flow, and helps to strengthen the heart can be considered a cellulite exercise. This includes walking, hiking, biking, running, jogging, swimming, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, and practically every other physical activity known to man. You don’t have to become a hardcore gymnist or athlete to achieve cellulite reduction through exercising. Truth be told, all you have to do is commit 15-20 minutes a day to your cellulite exercises and you’ll start seeing results in a matter of weeks, if not months. Just remember the key ingredient to this method’s success, determination. Are these 4 methods the only natural methods out there? Absolutely not. However, these 4 natural cellutite cures should be more than enough to help you get started on finding the best cellulite treatment for you.
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9 out of 10 women will suffer from nasty, skin damaging cellulite at one point or another in their life. These same women will try method after method and will be let down again & again by each one’s inability to successfully get rid of cellulite. They will likely continue this cycle until they find a technique that works or until they finally succumb to their cellulite and choose to live with it instead of fighting it. Are you one of these women? Do you wish to avoid getting caught up in this seemingly endless cycle? You do? Well then, maybe you should consider using a proellixe exercise machine. “What is proellixe? And, is proellixe effective for cellulite removal?” Basically, proellixe is advanced vibration technology that is used for it’s numerous health & fitness benefits — benefits that include reducing cellulite, reducing fat, strengthening the body, rehabilitating injuries and ailments, alleviating lower back pain, increasing bone density, etc. This type of treatment is so effective that it is actually used by both major medical rehabilitation centers and therapeutic centers all across the United States. Although using a proellixe machine may have many unique benefits, the one we are focusing on currently is that of cellulite reduction. Believe it or not, this particular cellulite remedy can help to reduce cellulite on your ENTIRE body; legs, abdomen, butt, arms, and back. All it takes is a few minutes out of your day and your cellulite is practically guaranteed to melt away. How does it work? Simple, you just stand on the machine and then push a button. Once the machine starts working, you continue standing there until the exercise is done — it’s that easy! What happens is the vibrations which are caused by the machine penetrate every muscle and fiber of your being. The vibration is such that it actually begins to strengthen and tone specific areas of your body. Not only that, but blood flow and circulation will also be stimulated by the vibrations — two things that are extremely beneficial when it comes to cellulite reduction. The greatest thing about using proellixe to remove cellulite is that it requires little to no interaction from the individual. This means that you can do any number of your favorite activities while the machine goes to work on auto pilot. You can watch TV, read a book, fold laundry, listen to music, create a shopping list, you name it, all the while your cellulite is literally being shaken into oblivion! If you’ve tried everything else, there is no reason why you shouldn’t give this natural cellulite remedy an honest try too.
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The one that works! There are so many natural cellulite cures out there that it’s borderline idiotic to consider expensive medical procedures to get rid of cellulite. However, don’t let the sheer number of natural remedies fool you, they won’t all provide impressive results. Truth be told, some of them might not provide results at all; which is precisely why you need not rely on any one method in particular. Instead, what you need to do is combine a few natural methods into one daily cellulite reduction routine. If you can do that, well, you’re cellulite problem won’t be a problem for long. Combine Some Of The Best Cellulite Treatments Below To Get Ever-Lasting Cellulite Removal: Cellulite Body Wraps: The body, or only part of the body, is covered with a specially made anti cellulite cream. After the cream is thoroughly applied, seaweed or cloth is wrapped around the body and kept in that position for around 40-50 minutes. This is just long enough for the cream’s ingredients to take effect. Once this time has passed, the body or specific region will be unwrapped and gently rinsed off. Once rinsed, a final application of skin nourishing lotion will be applied and massaged into the skin. This particular method can be done at home with the proper supplies or at a spa. Cellulite Diets: Dieting may not be the most liked method of cellulite removal, but it is definitely one of the most effective. By initiating small changes in your regular diet, not only can you remove cellulite, but you can keep it off for good. Basically, all you have to do is reduce your intake of toxins and harmful fats and increase your intake of natural, cellulite fighting foods. This means no more (or not as much) junk food, staurated fats, refined and/or processed foods, soft drinks, etc. and a whole lot more fruits & vegetables, fruit juice, fish, lean meats, legumes, and/or anything else that isn’t unnaturally made in a factory. When it comes to cellulite diets, the best advice any one can give you is to proceed gradually. Anti Cellulite Cream: The use of cellulite cream may not seem like a natural celulite cure, but it most assuredly is — so long as the cream is primary made of natural ingredients. There isn’t much to say about this particular method besides the fact that you need to acquire a cream that actually works and start using it. Admittedly, this is easier said that done, but with a little research and common sense, it won’t be too difficult. TO SKIP THE RESEARCH AND DISCOVER THE BEST ANTI CELLULITE CREAM ON THE MARKET, CLICK HERE! Cellulite Exercise: Virtually any activity that increases circulation, increases blood flow, and helps to strengthen the heart can be considered a cellulite exercise. This includes walking, hiking, biking, running, jogging, swimming, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, and practically every other physical activity known to man. You don’t have to become a hardcore gymnist or athlete to achieve cellulite reduction through exercising. Truth be told, all you have to do is commit 15-20 minutes a day to your cellulite exercises and you’ll start seeing results in a matter of weeks, if not months. Just remember the key ingredient to this method’s success, determination. Are these 4 methods the only natural methods out there? Absolutely not. However, these 4 natural cellutite cures should be more than enough to help you get started on finding the best cellulite treatment for you.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
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I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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Stackable boxes really are a must when moving house, irrespective of self-drive van hire or removal company lorry. Sturdy green, recyclable boxes that may be reused repeatedly are the most useful choice for frequent house moves and for long-term storage - regardless of where the home move takes place. There’s nothing more frustrating than having to reload many times, because the awkward manner in which things are packed prevent a fully loaded van making one tour and something tour only.
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Moving home in Germany is very expensive, indeed the few miles from my little village to the barn require me to pay 2000.00 Euros, as much as it would have require me to pay with a UK removal firm to transport my household goods all the way from Wales to southern Germany. Labour costs in Germany make moving house very costly, perhaps one of the reasons why the labour marketplace is less flexible - people would rather stay put once they’ve gone to live in a location.
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The other reason why moving house in Germany could be much will that obtaining free cardboard boxes is virtually impossible. One cannot go to a local supermarket or newsagent to inquire about discarded boxes. Everything in Germany is being recycled - a cardboard box that once held cans of pet food or washing powder is invariably coming with a recycling plant before one has a chance to ask. Most German removal firms offer therefore green, recyclable boxes either for sale or for hire - at a high price.
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Moving home is definitely an expensive process, but it is possible to start moving house on a tight budget. Buying and getting into a new house can be exciting and rewarding, but it may also be full of expense. If you are moving on a budget, there are many methods to help you save money but still move all of your belongings safely for your new house.
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The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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