Raymond Mungo’s
Raymond Mungo’s
Raymond Mungo’s

Los Angeles was still there when we got back. Events of the year past were so grave that it was by no means taken for granted that it would be. We hadn’t read a newspaper, seen TV, or surfed the Internet for weeks, and had no real news of America. But of course everything seemed exactly the same as we’d left it. We were different, however, and would never be the same again. I saw Heaven and dallied in Hell, after all. Travel is broadening, as they say, and also flattening – we were elevated and also humbled. Every day on the Silk Road had seemed like a week, every week like a month, in the sense that travel extends your life, buys you time. And time, dear friend, is running out.
Silk Road Mahabharata #1 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=40
Silk Road Mahabharata #2 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=1330
Silk Road Mahabharata #3 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=2075
Silk Road Mahabharata #4 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=2279
Silk Road Mahabharata #5 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=2548
Silk Road Mahabharata #6 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=2731
Silk Road Mahabharata #7 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=2828
Silk Road Mahabharata #8 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=2916
Silk Road Mahabharata #9 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=2916
Silk Road Mahabharata #10 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3203
Silk Road Mahabharata #11 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3369
Silk Road Mahabharata #12 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3458
Silk Road Mahabharata #13 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3503
Silk Road Mahabharata #14 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3521
Silk Road Mahabharata #15 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3553
Silk Road Mahabharata #16 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3588
Silk Road Mahabharata #17 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3611
Silk Road Mahabharata #18 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3665
Silk Road Mahabharata #19 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3673
Silk Road Mahabharata #20 at http://smokesignalsmag.com/7/?p=3693
Raymond Mungo is the author, co-author, or editor of more than a dozen books. He once ran for Governor of the state of Washington on his American Express Card. In his spent youth, he attended Boston University, and served as editor-in-chief of the Boston University News in 1966-67; where he spearheaded draft card burnings and demonstrations against the Vietnam War, and in 1967 co-founded the Liberation News Service (LNS), an alternative news source that split off from College Press Service (CPS) and was the forerunner of not only the underground press circuit but alternative weeklies all over America, courtesy of his classic, Famous Long Ago: My Life and Hard Times with the Liberation News Service. Both the original Food Editor and first Sports Editor of Smoke Signals back in 1980s, Mungo’s back with us again, almost 30-years later, as quick witted and nimble as ever, but of course in a totally different incarnation.